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Symptoms of Skin Cancer

One of the most common types of cancer is skin cancer, but the good news is that it has a high cure rate when it is diagnosed and treated in its early stages. Most skin cancers are related to having too much sun exposure through the years. Regular appointments with a qualified dermatologist like Dr. Bernard Raskin in Porter Ranch for routine skin checkups are a great way to recognize the symptoms of skin cancer.

Types of skin cancer
Two highly curable forms of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These often slow-growing cancers are located at either the basal or squamous skin layers near the top of the skin and are usually easily treated when found early. Melanoma is another type of skin cancer that is luckily less common, but more aggressive and sometimes deadly if it spreads through the body.

Symptoms of skin cancer
The primary symptom of skin cancer is a growth, mole, bump, or rough skin patch that is new or changes. It is important to remember that not all skin cancers look the same, so paying attention to your skin and raising any concerns to your physician are vital for good health. Some things to watch for in moles especially are these elements:

  • Asymmetry: each side of the mole should match the other
  • Border: the edges of the mole should not be jagged or blurry
  • Color: the mole should not change color
  • Diameter:  the mole should remain less than ¼ inch in diameter
  • Evolving: the mole should not look different than the others or begin to change

Additional symptoms of skin cancer can be moles that bleed or itch, lesions that do not heal properly, skin areas that change in color, fast-growing moles, or crusty skin growths. Look for skin cancers on areas of the body most often exposed to sunlight, although some cancers develop anywhere on the body even parts not commonly in the sun like the palms of the hands. Also, moles may grow anywhere on the body so that is another reason a dermatologist should perform regular skin checks for you.

After a skin cancer diagnosis
Noticing the symptoms of skin cancer means a much greater chance of early treatment. This might include removing the tissue during a minor procedure, which sometimes is the only treatment necessary. More advanced cases may require further treatment, but Dr. Bernard Raskin is here to help you with any stage of skin cancer and get you on the path to regaining your full health.

If you live in the Porter Ranch area and have concerns about any suspicious marks on your skin, schedule an appointment today for a skin cancer screening.